One thing:
Aside from being totally sweet and utterly fantastic, my friend Jess Hartley is a novelist, writer, and freelance writer/editor in the gaming industry–and she reads my blog which is simultaneously exhilarating and intimidating. Recently, Jess helped write, Changeling: The Lost  and it is now up for some pretty prestigious awards in this year’s ENnies (gaming’s equivalent of the Grammies or Oscars). It has been nominated for Best Interior Art, Best Production Values, Best Writing and Best Product of the Year, which is an amazing honor in and of itself. The nominations are put up by a panel of industry judges, but the final decision is based on fan voting.
That’s where you (hopefully) come in.
Not everyone has information about the ENnies, so to help Jess out, I’m asking for support for her writing and for this product, which she’s very proud of having helped create. The votes are open to the public (one per IP address), so please help Jess by visiting  and casting your votes for Changeling: The Lost . Jess (and all of us who know her) would be most grateful for your support.
Another thing:
My sister Betty–who recently graduated from law school–is taking the bar as I type this. Please take a second to close your eyes and send her positive bar-passing energy. It’ll just take a moment and doesn’t cost a thing.Â
My sister deserves to get through this. I never could have succeeded at such an accomplishment of raising three children and then going through law school while working full-time. She has been studying for the bar since she graduated last May. I am beaming with pride for my sis and would really appreciate some good vibes being sent her way.Â
There’s power in collective positive thought. There really is.Â
Good luck Jess and Betty!
Thanks, Cobban. The voting closes tomorrow, but we won’t know any results until the actual Award Ceremony on the 15th in Indy.
*nervous me*