We’re off to Lost Angeles today.  Going back for my high school reunion.  It should be interesting to say the least.  I was permanently expelled from high school about three months into 9th grade.  They sent me to a “continuation” school.  A place for burned out kids to keep them off the street until they’re 18.  At the end of 12th grade, I didn’t have enough credit to graduate so I took the GED and got out. 

Since my school was so small, our reunion is covering a decade.  1980 to 1990.  I’m going to have to take a quick trip down memory lane via my yearbooks to freshen my memory.  I was stoned the entire time.  I don’t remember anyone really. 

The cool thing is that Mike, one of my best friends in high school, recently found me (through the reunion committee) and just happens to stop in Sierra Vista for work on occasion.  He came over earlier this week for a cocktail.  I had not seen him in over 20 years.  He looked great–actually better-than-I-remember great (sorry to put you on the spot Mike but hunky nice guys in sleeveless shirts with tattooed arms get me every time…) 

It was great catching up with Mike and he’s going to be at the reunion so I’ll at least have someone to cling on to at first.  I get overwhelmed by a large group of people (until the 2nd martini).

The really sad thing was hearing that two of the other gay kids I went to school with are dead.  AIDS–see my last post.

Aside from the reunion, Ray and I are going to see our mothers and some old friends.  As usual with my trips to LA, I’m looking forward to getting back on Sunday and laying out by the pool. 

The key thing is that I’m tan and have been working out like a madman so, dare I say it, I’m going to look hot.  Isn’t that what high school reunions are all about?  Going back and showing everyone that you’ve made it?  I’m going to stand in the middle of the room, do my best Mary Tyler-Moore twirl while throwing my hat in the air and sing, “You’re gonna make it after all…”

OK, maybe not…

I’m going to go back, satisfy my curiosity and then get the hell out of there.

4 Thoughts on “L.A. L.A. Land

  1. Dude, you are so brave. I’ve ditched all my reunions. High school was wretched for me. WRE-TCHED I say. Hope you have a grand time.

  2. Travel safely and knock ’em dead!

    I’m headed to Palm Springs tomorrow to attend my first California gay wedding. We’ll be in LA on Saturday for the GMCLA concert.


  3. Dawn on 29/06/2008 at 2:40 PM said:

    It was so wonderful meeting you and Ray. Hopefully it wasn’t too painful here. Curiosity satisfied, check! Mike had a blast seeing you and we can’t wait to come to Arizona to visit. Oh and not only did you look hot, but you had the best looking man with you, next to mine of course.

  4. I’m not sure I could do the whole high school reunion thing because I hated it so much. Very sad about the two kids who died though. I guess if I had access to that kind of information there are a couple of people I’d ask about…

    Hope you had fun in LA!

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