Hello. Cobban is not in right now. Please leave a message and he’ll get right back to you. Beeeeeep…
I’m on autopilot. Thank God for that whole fight or flight thing. Without that built in defense/survival system, I don’t know how I’d be getting through these past few weeks. The only problem is that I can’t tell if I’m fighting or flying. Am I throwing punches or just flapping my wings? All I know is I’m not home right now and you’ll just have to leave a message.Â
The county website launches April 1st and the play I’m in debuts tonight. Aside from some other miscellaneous mental clutter, I’m about one shock treatment away from a frontal lobotomy.Â
Yesterday, for the first time in my life, I did something unheard of in a time of stress; I left work at 3:00 and turned my brain off to the world.  When Ray and I got home, we both showered, put on shorts and broke out the flip flops.  It was the Vernal Equinox–the first day of my favorite half of the year. This is the time of long sunny days and warm–if not hot–weather. It was so nice to sit on the back porch and chat with my Ray. You know what made it even better? Jimbo was there! He was visiting Homer in Tucson from DC and drove down for an afternoon. Jimbo is smart, adorable and he makes me laugh which is just what I needed. We just lounged in the sun and chatted, went in a little mini hike (more like a walk through the desert grass) and then after the sunset, Ray made a yummy pasta dish.Â
Thanks for stopping by Jimbo!
So now it’s Friday. Opening night is tonight. There is only one more week left until the launch of the new county website. My shoulders are scrunching up as I write this. All I can do is take a deep breath and hold my head up and walk right into it. Wish me luck.
Good luck!
We wish you all the luck in the world. Not to worry, you’ll do great.
Break a leg.
Good luck with it! And I hope that fire down your way isn’t a threat!