Winter solstice is like the ultimate hump day. I absolutely loathe winter. I know, I know…we need it. If it were summer all the time, we’d all get sick of it. But seriously, once we get past the shortest day of the year, my whole mood changes.

I tend to celebrate the solstice more than any religious holiday. For me it’s a period of reflection and direction. Reflection in the sense of contemplating the past year and processing the events that occurred and direction in the sense of wondering, “What’s next?”

This year was great. It really was. Highlights include:

  • My father’s estate paid out funds. (Thanks Dad)
  • Spent a week in Miami in January.
  • Took on the lead role in an original play — British accent and all.
  • I revamped my multimedia equipment. (Thanks Dad)
  • Plumped up my investments. (Thanks Dad)
  • Traveled through Spain, France and Italy for three weeks. (Thanks Dad)
  • Performed an original monologue for Bisbee Obscure Productions Comedy Showcase.
  • Got that neck thing taken care of finally. (Thanks Dad)
  • Had a great summer full of travel and visitors.
  • Achieved some more fitness goals and hired a personal trainer.
  • Met some wonderful new friends and caught up with old ones.
  • Saw the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.
  • Spent most of my time surrounded by positive energy.

That last one was a doozy. Even though I was dealing with my father’s death;  two of my favorite people at work moving out of the area — one of them being my boss; my neck surgery jacking up my whole system, taking a long time to heal; Jan Brewer winning the election for Arizona’s governor and some other political issues, I am choosing to remain positive about life. It’s all good. It really is.

The coolest thing about this solstice was the lunar eclipse that happened in the wee hours of the day. It’s like the moon came out and then ducked behind the Earth’s shadow for a quick rinse on my new year. A sign to tell me to let go of things. Be positive and realize that every day is a new beginning. I just happened to have my camera out and shot a little movie. The eclipse part is at the end.

I hope everyone has a kick-ass holiday season. Eat, drink and be merry! Meanwhile, I am going to finish out the month reflecting on the good things and giving thanks for Ray, my friends and family (including my kitty) and the longer, sunnier days that are just around the corner.

6 Thoughts on “Lunar Solstice Wow!

  1. That was a lovely video. Hope to see you soon buddy!

  2. Thanks Homer! I wish I could afford a better lens so the moon doesn’t look so tiny.

  3. What a cool video. Thanks for sharing. Glad you had a great year, Cobban. We too had a good year despite George having to quit his job and working his butt off to get his master. But now it’s all done and he’s a happy camper. One of the big highlights this year was finally meeting you and Ray.

    I can’t believe this year is almost over again. Wasn’t it just January and didn’t we just get home from Germany? And now we’re getting ready for another trip in a few days. I can’t wait! Time flies when you’re having fun.

    You and Ray have a great holiday season as well. And let’s make this new year an even better one! 🙂

  4. Zoe on 21/12/2010 at 12:06 PM said:

    That was absolutely amazeballs. Wonderful stuff, just like you… Loved your list of blessings. Have a fantastic Solstice, Cobban!

  5. Zoe on 21/12/2010 at 6:19 PM said:

    I was reading the comments and saw Zoe said” absolutely amazeballs” and I said to myself…waitttt, I didn’t say that. Oh yeah, the OTHER Zoe. Really gets silly when there are a lot of Zoe to Zoe messages. Happy New Year..forget xmas..nothing of commercials,anyway.

  6. Pamela on 22/12/2010 at 2:07 PM said:

    Forgive me Cobban for I have sinned – I watched the video at, ahem, work . . . FANTASTIC!! Happy Solstice!

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