When I was a child, a lot of television specials were brought to you in part by <<insert corporate conglomerate name here>>. 

When people come to visit us, they tend to take notice of the remarkable Arizona sunsets that occur during monsoon.  I always tell them that the sunsets are “appearing nightly here at Stolen Horseshoe!” as if it were some sort of show. 

This evening, I ventured out to the front of the house and caught a glimpse of something that took my breath away:

Moonlight feels right

In keeping with a show or TV special theme; Tonight’s moonrise is brought to you in part by Optimism®.  The makers of Hope, Compassion and An Overall Sense Of Well Being.

How’s that for Pollyanna?  Could you just barf?

BTW, the San Jose mountain range in the photo is entirely in Mexico.

Splish!Ray and I made our way up to Tucson yesterday to pick up the other fountain we bought.  First we had lunch with Sandy.  It was nice to eat at a place the had linen napkins as opposed to the standard Bisbee paper napkin eating establishment.  Even though the iced tea was kind of  “mod” for lack of a better word, it was quite refreshing.  It had some pomegranate or something in it.  I’m very particular about my iced tea.  I like: Iced. Tea.  No sugar and no funny business with lots of ice and a straw.

After lunch we said goodbye and stopped at Fractured Earth to look at tile and stuff.  We’re planning on doing a design treatment to the fireplace in the great room. 

I love tile stores.  You’d think I was doing the X because all I can do is run my hands and fingers over everything.  I love texture!  I love to see it, feel it. 

Eventually we made it to The Fountain Center and had the piece loaded in the car.  When we got home to set it up, we realized that it was heavier than a motherfucker.  It is, after all, concrete!  Long story short we got it all set up (and had a good workout). 

Once it got dark and–I had one too many vodka rocks–the fountain started taking on a Gothic Batman/Blade Runner look to it.  So I had to make a little movie because I’m a total dork.

Here is a special effects shot if I were to use our fountain in a Sci Fi movie:

Just tried to update to the iPhone 2.0 software.  The install failed and now my phone is blank. 

Thanks Apple!

This just in: Came back from Tucson, tried it again and the whole thing worked.  I have the new 2.0 software but the same old phone–which is fine.  Love the downloadable applications.  If only the camera worked better. 

We picked up the other fountain.  Going to set it up this weekend.  🙂

My little digital point-and-shoot takes video.  I figured I’d try to capture the moment of sunset, fountain, cocktail hour with motion and sound.  This could get interesting…

Sploosh!Here is a mediocre shot of the fountain we bought at Tivoli Gardens and Fountains up in Tucson.  It looks much better in person.  We had a hard time finding something because our style leans more on the contemporary side.  Most fountains we saw were Spanish style, a statue or a copper-drippy-sculpture thingie.  This fountain fits our home.  We found another cool one that we’re going to pick up soon.  More to come. . .

Right now, Ray and I are listening to Goldfrapp while we workout.  I love to workout with music.  For a long time I had The Crystal Method playing during our workouts but the mood is somber tonight.  The evening is cool, grey and drizzly.  The forecast calls for this trend to continue for a few more days.  It’s kind of sad.  I live for the summer.  Right now it feels like October. 

I had to fish a dead bullfrog out of the pool filter today.  That’s a be-the-man thing for me.  I get to play Jeffery Dahmer with dead, bloated animals.  I just throw them over the wall for the other critters to eat.  It’s the circle of life.  One time I had to literally rip a rabbit apart.  Its whole body got sucked through a hole less than the width of a wine cork.   It stopped at the head.  I had to tear the thing apart with pliers. 

Looking forward to Saturday.  There’s karaoke at the Stock.  One of my favorite pastimes.  There are some pretty good singers in Bisbee. 

Got to do another set.  I am finally starting to see some positive results.  It’s very encouraging–and speaking of encouraging.  The comments on my last post are most appreciated.  It’s like your journal talking back to you.  (You’re right Steve, I need to explore the podcast.)

I will keep writing…and practicing my guitar…and working out…

Yesterday evening as the sun was setting, Ray and I we’re chatting outside while two dragonflies were buzzing around the backyard.  They seemed to be courting.  Seeing (and hearing) them flitting about with the brilliantly colored clouds in the background made me very happy. 

That’s all I have to say. 

I’ve been struggling with my blog.  I don’t live where exciting things happen.  All I can write about are my own personal ideas and observations–like snakes and insects and heaven forbid, myself.  It must seem pretty boring to my tens of readers. 

What some people may not understand is that I’m happy.  Really happy.  I used to work in film production and play in a band.  I lived in LA and Chicago.  There was always a grind.  A pressure of sorts.  Get a bigger gig.  Get a bigger production.  Go on location for 4 months and work 7 days a week.  I was always on the lookout for something bigger and better.  Over time, it got to be too much for me.  I had to escape.  To tell the truth, I’m much happier hanging with my man in the backyard watching the bugs fly by than going to a big premiere or getting past the velvet rope at a nightclub. 

There are no sirens here.  No gunshots.  No pushy people on the train.  Our 16 mile commute consists of two stop signs and a 65 MPH speed limit.  The best thing of all is a total lack of billboards.  It’s just mountains and sky…and an occasional dragonfly.