I’m leaving for a conference in Chicago tomorrow.  My boss is going with me.  I think we’re going to have a good time.  I went last year in Philly. 

Does it have to be Chicago?  I’ve been there about three times in the past 18 months.  Oh well, on the bright side; I’m going to try to get the boss downtown for a little show and tell one evening.  I figure we’ll get to Michigan Avenue and make our way up to the Signature Room in the Hancock Building for a drink. 

I may blog from my phone.  Expect the unexpected!

The photo from my previous post is a fake.  At the time of writing the post, I could not find anything to support that it was not fabricated. I admit I was wrong–about the photo.  I try to get my information from reputable news sources before I hit the publish button.

That being said, I still have a bad opinoin of her.  The following clip is from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.  It’s enlightening to say the least:

Is this who we want to help run our country?

Is this our next leader?

Yeah…Sarah Palin…

Is she related to Michael Palin?  This is already playing out like a Monty Python sketch.  Remember the Twit Races?  When I first heard the news that they picked her,  I was taken aback.  Who is she?  Alaska has a governor? 

Ms. Palin is a beauty pageant winner with a B.S. in communications-journalism who worked briefly as a sports reporter for KTUU-TV in Anchorage, Alaska.  She served two terms on the Wasilla city council and then became the mayor for two terms.   In late 2006, Palin became Alaska’s first woman governor.  OK, good for her, that’s some experience… 

On July 11 2008 Palin dismissed Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan. She offered him a position as executive director of the state Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, which he turned down.  Palin cited performance-related issues for the dismissal.  Monegan has alleged that his dismissal was connected to his failure to fire Palin’s former brother-in-law, Alaska State Trooper Mike Wooten.  This is still under investigation.  OK, that’s some controversy…

She has five children. Her first son, Track, was born eight months after her wedding.  Hmmm…eight months…does this mean I can call him Eight Track?  Her last child born just four months ago has Down Syndrome.  It was just announced recently that her 17-year-old daughter is 5 months pregnant.  After spending one day at Disneyland with three kids all under the age of 10, I can’t imagine what it would be like to be raising 5 kids with one preggers and the other having special needs.  That’s a tough job that would require a lot of attention.  Hmmm…all that responsibility and a run for the VP spot…OK…I’m into that.  Some people can do that–some…people…can.

So after processing all of this for as long as I could stand it, here’s what I have to say;

“I do not want this person to ever have the chance to be the president of our country.” (see freakish photo of the American flag bikini wearing gun totin’ soccer mom.  If there was anything remotely similar to that photo on the Obama side, we’d never hear the end of it.)

She scares the hell out of me!  Beauty pageant winner turned newscaster turned politician?  I know the type all too well.  She’s an all-about-me-borderline-personality-disorder-actor/politician freak!

Seriously,  what kind of person would accept an offer to run for the VP spot knowing full-well that they don’t have much experience (sorry babe, you just don’t) , they’re under investigation, they have a four-month-old with special needs and–this is my favorite–even though they support abstinence only, their unwed, under-aged daughter is pregnant?  She knew when she said yes, she would be throwing her kid and its unborn baby to the wolves of the global news media.  You’re going to take one for mommy’s team you little bitch!  Would any rational person have said yes to that job?  Sure they would, if they were an opportunistic attention grabbing freak with an offer to get the world’s attention handed to them on a silver platter. 

Does this photo disturb you?

Ahh, here’s Sarah with her son Eight-Track who’s going off to a pointless war and her pregnant teenage daughter Bristol (rhymes with pistol?) and her dazed & confused infant child.  Sarah is running for the Vice President of the United States of America.  Hey, Sarah and her fucked up family can do it–but not yours. 

Regarding her recent child, Sarah Palin said: “To the families of special-needs children all across this country, I have a message: For years, you sought to make America a more welcoming place for your sons and daughters,” she said. “I pledge to you that if we are elected, you will have a friend and advocate in the White House.’’

My mom, who is a Republican, would never have subjected her children–normal needs or special needs or whatever needs–to such scrutiny.  That baby is her glorious photo op accessory and she’s using it as a pawn to get sympathy so that people will vote for her. 

Palin is a “firm supporter of abstinence-only education in schools” according to CNN in 2006.  When running for governor in 2006, Palin wrote, “Yes, the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support,” in response to a questionnaire by the Eagle Forum Alaska.

Explicit sex-ed programs?  I bet Bristol has got a YouTube video posted somewhere that would knock the socks off of any standard Sex-Ed film.  Yeah, this may come as a big surprise, Bristol has a few photos on the Internet.  Apparently she likes Captain Morgan rum, guns and…well…we can’t really tell which guy she likes (don’t be naughty, there’s only two).  Now don’t get me wrong, I personally don’t care about unwed teenage pregnancies.  That’s the breaks kid–deal with it.  I do care about a hypocrite being against sex education running for Vice President asking us to leave her family alone while her daughter grows up real fast.   What really, really bothers me is that if Obama had an under aged pregnant daughter…I mean c’mon!  Ann Coulter would write an entire book on it.  He’d be crispy burnt toast.  End of story.  No argument.  The RepubliMcCains would rake him over the coals.  I don’t care what anyone says, if the tables were turned…

Palin gave birth to her first child (the soon to be war hero) just eight months after getting married and now one of her own children is five months pregnant.  The explicit sex-ed programs better find her support or she’ll be a great-grandma by the age of 60.

Yeah, yeah, yeah…I’m trying to “leave the family alone” as requested (just like the Republicans would do–not!), but I am not going to let up on Sarah Palin the freak-a-zoid soccer mom who preaches abstinence for everyone (except her own kids).  C’mon people!!  Does she lead by example?  No…no!  The Emperor is naked!  Is she ready to lead?  Is she? 

Ms. Palin stated; “From the inside, no family ever seems typical.  That’s how it is with us. Our family has the same ups and downs as any other, the same challenges and the same joys.”

I disagree.  Her family does not have the same ups and downs as any other.  Her family gets to behave in a way that that contradicts what she as a politician stands for and that’s bullshit. 

I commend Ms. Palin, I really do.  She is the first time in my life where I’ve had a visceral reaction to a politician to the point where I feel I should do something about it.  Thank you Sarah.  Thanks for making me puke.

The first time I saw something like this was in Chicago.  It floated about like a humming bird but looked more like a moth. 

We get all sorts of critters out here but these guys are my favorites.  It’s so cute!

I can tell you one thing; it was very hard to get a good shot.  Thank goodness for the digital point-and-shoot with a big memory card.

So far, we’ve had a pretty good three-day weekend.  We did all sorts of work around the house on Saturday, Homer and Jeffery came down to visit Sunday (the sun stayed out just long enough for some pool time).  Today…well, who knows what to do today?  The sun is out full blast!  Maybe we’ll get some more pool time. 

I don’t think I’m ready for winter.  Winter here in the high desert can be…well…winter-like.  It snows and can get down close to zero at night.  The mesquite trees are deciduous so they get bare and all the grasses die back.  It can get pretty dreary.  The one redeeming factor is that, I guess because of where we are in the time zone and our geographic location, the sky is still a teensy bit light when we get out of work during the short days.  In Chicago it would be nighttime by four-thirty. 

The last time we filled the propane tank, it costs an extra $400.  Yes, that’s a lot of money.  We have a fireplace with a heatilator fan in it.  This year, we are going to take advantage of the fact that we have mesquite trees all over our property.  It seems every third or fourth tree has a big dry dead branch on it.  We just cut it out and chop into firewood.  Got a wood pile round back.  The bunnies like to live under it.

Our friend David left yesterday.  For good.  He had been dealing with a brain tumor for a few years now.  The surgeons opened up his head and took it out but it kept growing back.  This time it was pressing on something up there that rendered him paralyzed on the left side of his body.  I think he tried really hard to fight it so he could stay with his beautiful wife and watch his young daughter grow up but he just got so tired of fighting.  You can’t blame a guy for trying. 

David was Ray’s boss at the bank in Chicago.  He was a couple of years younger than Ray.  I remember the very first time I met him.  He was one of those affable people who left a strong impression on me even though our first meeting was just a fleeting moment.  While I did not know David well, I really liked him.  He was just…instantly likable.  And now he’s gone.  I’m sad but at the same time I’m happy he doesn’t have to suffer.  I hate to see someone suffer.  While his wife–a very bright woman with a strong constitution–will be able to move on, I feel sad for his daughter.  Poor kid.

Last year at this time I was blogging about my uncle Bob being diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis.  He has since passed away joining his daughter (and my wonderful cousin) Margaret who died a couple years before at the age of 41 from cancer.  I felt really bad for my Aunt Nancy to have to deal with the loss of a child and a mate. 

Aunt Nancy has just been diagnosed with lung cancer.  They’re probably going to remove her lung. 

Please, say a little prayer for David and Nancy.  I don’t care if you belive in God or not, just wish some good vibes their way.  Ray and I have dealt with so much sickness and death over the last few years that we’ve become quite numb to it. 

I can tell you one thing; life is a beautiful thing.  Savour those sunsets, laugh at the little children and enjoy every day as if it were your last.

And for God’s sake–if you smoke cigarettes–quit.

Well, here it is, 4:34 AM and I can’t sleep.  This annoying cough is keeping me up.  There is something strange about the late night hours of insomnia.  Everything seems so scary late at night. . . in the dark. 

This year’s monsoon has been oppressive.  Every fucking day has been cool-ish (high 70’s, low 80’s and cloudy is cool by Arizona standards).  Summer is coming to a close and the days are getting noticeably shorter.  I’m so over the persistent rain and clouds.  I want the sun to come back out.  Perhaps my mood is a reflection of our political climate.  Will our country weather this never ending storm?  I just have to wonder:

When will  the sun come back out?

It’s no secret that Ray and I support Obama–and yes, dare I say it, Biden (It was an understandable political move to pick him for the veep spot even though he is quite the windbag).  I’m rather neutral politically.  I would consider voting Republican for the right person–if there was one.  I just can’t vote for a grandpa man who doesn’t even know how many houses he owns.  I see Johnny up at the podium like a deer in the headlights with that weird smile pasted on his face trying to figure out where the TelePrompTer is and think “Oh jeesh, gramps lost his teeth again.” 

Three words for McCain, Out. Of. Touch.  Yeah, yeah, yeah…we all know you were a war hero–in the last century.  Put it on your tombstone Johnny.  What have you done for me lately?

McCain graduated fifth from the bottom of his class at the United States Naval Academy (That’s 894th of 899).  Obama was accepted to Harvard University’s law school, where he graduated magna cum laude–and was elected president of the Harvard Law Review.  Doesn’t that mean anything to anyone?  We don’t need a dolt in the White House–we need an adult.  An adult who knows what arugula is and can pronounce nuclear.

Hey now, don’t get me wrong.  Mr. Obama is probably just as much of a politician as the rest of ’em.  They’re all cut from the same egomaniac cloth.  Sure, it’s all about supporting your constituents–after the photo op.  Smile.

Think about it, you’d have to be a nutcase to actually want to be the president of the United States.  It doesn’t pay much, you’re criticized for everything you do and the opposing camp basically makes shit up about you.  (In his defense, did McCain really call his wife a cunt in public?  I’ve yet to see it.)

The Obama campaign talks a lot about change.  Many folks are afraid of said change.  What they don’t seem to understand is that the change is already happening.  Technology has had a huge impact on our lives both economically and socially.  The standard crusty old business models are colliding like tectonic plates resulting in economic earthquakes.  A good example is the Internet.  Look at what it’s done to the entertainment/media industry.  Why have representation from a ginourmous greedy record label when you can self produce and distribute your own album?  Thanks Radiohead!  Why subscribe to a newspaper or magazine or cable TV for that matter when it’s all online, current and free?  Ray and I watched some of the DNC speeches live via high speed wireless Internet right smack in the middle of rural Arizona.  Take that Direct TV!

Another change: GLBT rights.  At this point, everybody knows someone who’s gay (or lesbian or transgendered–you all get the point).  The best part is that it’s no longer your mom’s queeny hairdresser.  It’s your dad, or your mechanic, or your vet, or the mom of one of your kid’s schoolmates.  Sean-fucking-Penn is about to portray Harvey Milk in a mainstream studio picture!  Ellen got married!  Public opinion of the GLBT community is being aged out.  People just don’t care about it anymore–although HIV cases are on the rise again because of irresponsible sexual practices which is not the kind of attention we need right now…but that’s another post…

Yet another change: Gasoline and energy.  Oh, boo hoo hoo, gas is up to four bucks a gallon here in the States.  Nice Hummer–asshole!  Ever been to Europe?!?!  Gas is way more expensive there –and it’s sold by the liter! 

Why are we still the only ones using the Imperial System of Measurement?

It doesn’t matter if you believe in global warming or not, we need to wean ourselves off of this finite–yes finite–source of energy.  Sure, wind farms are ugly but nothing compares to a thick horrendous blanket of smog–that you’re inhaling.  Imagine if we put as much money into R&D for more efficient renewable energy as we do for oil drilling and refineries. . . Imagine if our dependence for energy came from the sun and the wind and not from countries full of people who see us as the enemy and want to kill us. . . What would Iran and Iraq have if they didn’t have oil?  Tourism?  No, sand.

Yes, change is happening whether we like it or not and while I admit Barack is not perfect, I have to remind myself that no one is.  At least he embraces the unstoppable change (and can form complete sentences).  I have high hopes for him as our president and hope people realize that changing the state our country is going to be like pulling a u-turn on the Titanic.  It’s going to take a lot of time and effort and all the motherfuckers who don’t vote or participate in some way need to shut their pie holes.

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.  Thank you J.F.K.

OK, one last rant about Obama and his lack of experience.  George Jr. had the “experience” of fulfilling an entire first term and look at how much more fucked up our country is at the end of his second one.  Obama will have advisers and I’m fairly confident, unlike George, he’ll listen to them.