OK, I know I’m harping on and on about Sarah Palin but she somehow keeps managing to get hold of live microphones and video cameras.  I just don’t understand how any upright ambulatory free-thinking person be held captive by her psychotic rhetoric.  Sure, the Obama/Biden ticket isn’t for everyone and honestly, I can almost live with McCain (I am in Arizona ya know) but…Palin is a first class joke.  She keeps going after Obama and how anti American she thinks is yet her husband was a known member of the Alaskan Independence party which has pushed for years to secede Alaska from the US!  WTF Sarah? 

When asked if abortion clinic bombers are terrorists or not, Ms Palin,  A: launches into yet another tired rant about Ayers (That wasn’t the question Sarah!) and B: says “I don’t know if you’re gonna use the word “terrorist” there.”

Watch for yourself:

Um, yeah, Sarah…people who blow up abortion clinics are terrorists.  There’s no room to negotiate this fact.  Another fact: You’re a fucking idiot.

My brother got married this past weekend. Ray and I flew out for the festivities.  This photo cracked me up.  It is so us.  Ray is calm and reserve while I’m spazzing out in the background. 

I loves my Ray.  Maybe someday we can get married. 

Since last October, I have attended three weddings.  All requiring airfare.  While, I’m thrilled my straight friends and family are experiencing the joys (and legal benefits) of marriage, I’m starting to get a little pissed off that I am denied that same joy.

My brother knew his wife for about seven months before they tied the knot.  A quick walk down the aisle and they instantly receive social and legal benefits.  Ray and I have lived together for almost fifteen years in the exact same manner as my brother and his wife (with the exception of our genitalia and what we do with it) and we get nothing.  We jointly pay property tax, get involved with community events and live on our combined incomes.  It’s our turn to get married.  We’re already married!

I’ve heard some people argue that gay people are asking for special rights.  Well that’s just wrong.  I don’t want special rights, I just want the same rights straight people have.  I’d venture to say the straight people have the special rights in this case.

And don’t even get me started on “protecting” marriage.  Almost half the married people out there get divorced.  Our friends got married in Chicago a few years ago.  They’ve since split up.  I want some protection over paying to fly out there.  I want protection over the nice serving platter we gave them.  We spent a lot of money on their wedding!  Where’s our reimbursement check?  What really frosts me is that if my newly divorced friends meet someone new, they can just run out and get married all over again!  I have two different friends who have been married three times.  That’s a lot of plane tickets and serving platters.  Why aren’t we protecting marriage from that? 

California is dealing with Prop 8 and here in Arizona, we have Prop 102.  Please vote against this supposed protection of marriage.  It’s a crock of shit.

With just about a week to go, I have been fretting about the presidential race to the point of popping Valium like Pez.  Ray emailed this to me this afternoon.  He just knows what to do to cheer me up.  This clever little video speaks (or sings) my opinion of Sarah Palin.  God, I love the Internet.

For your viewing pleasure:

On a side note: CNN ran a story yesterday reporting that McCain advisers have suggested they’ve become frustrated with what one aide described as Palin “going rogue.”

From the CNN story:

A second McCain source says she appears to be looking out for herself more than the McCain campaign.

“She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone,” said this McCain adviser. “She does not have any relationships of trust with any of us, her family or anyone else.

“Also, she is playing for her own future and sees herself as the next leader of the party. Remember: Divas trust only unto themselves, as they see themselves as the beginning and end of all wisdom.”

That’s coming from inside her own campaign!  Ms. Sarah recently defined an elitist as someone “who think that they’re better than anyone else”

She’s super freaky–yeow!

I voted already.  I picked “That One” and now I am living in fear and will continue to do so until the election is over. 

I fear Ms. Palin, will somehow continue to hold her subjects in a masterful hypnotic gaze and our country will make another four-year long mistake.  McCain will drop dead and she’ll become our next president.  Seriously, if McCain would have picked someone–something–else, I would have a much different outlook on this election but she’s super freaky and not in a Rick James way.

Don’t be fooled folks, she’s no pit bull with lipstick–she’s George Bush in drag.  That woman is about as intelligent as a coagulated booger smeared on a discarded Kleenex.  She evokes a feeling of hatred inside me–which makes me hate her even more.  Hatred is an emotion that only has an effect on the person doing the hating.  When I experience waves of hatred toward Ms. Palin (which, surprisingly, happens every time she opens her mouth), she doesn’t suddenly stop, grab her stomach and topple over with gut wrenching pain, I do.  It’s pointless to hate her.

But I can’t help it!

She is absolutely horrible.  $150,000 spent with GOP funds for her wardrobe?  Makes John Edwards’ $400 haircuts seem like chump change.  Today I saw her define elite as a state of mind — “just people who think that they’re better than anyone else.”

Wouldn’t you have to have the mindset of thinking you’re better than anyone else to run for the VP spot?  Don’t you think spouting out your personal agenda for our country is all about you thinking you’re better than the rest of us? As if you know what’s best?  Sarah knows best?  I just threw up in my mouth.

McCain’s campaign is flopping down the political road like a flat tire repeating the same fla-ba-pa-bah sound in a syncopated rhythm fading off into the distance.  Scary thing is how many people keep hanging on in support.  I just want to scream “The emperor is naked!”

How could anyone not see that with Palin?  Ms. Hockey Mom.  I don’t want a mom to be in the white house.  I had a mom growing up.  I don’t want to go through that again.  I hate her Mommy Politics and ©hristianâ„¢ values.  Oh and don’t even get me started on the travel thing.  She’s drunk with power and thinks she can do whatever she wants…hmmmm who does that sound like?  Where is George these days?

Don’t get me wrong, Obama is not perfect.  I don’t think he walks on water but I’ve seen him in action.  I like the way he carries himself.  He is clearly very intelligent and runs an excellent campaign.  McCain is tolerable at best but I’m sorry–no I’m not sorry–Palin just has to go away.  She will make us the White Trash States of America.  Just don’t look her in the eyes.  No matter what you do.  Avoid the eyes.

The real reason I got a motorcycle was to be able to wear leather chaps and not have it be a costume. Went on a nice long bike ride this weekend. You can feel the fall season coming. It’s getting cool and crisp. It was fantastic.

Ray and I splashed around in the pool yesterday as well. Then we put all the pool stuff away for the season. 🙁

Next week we are going to DC/NYC. I have to start planning. I have not even thought about what to do, where to go, what to wear…what will I wear?

I’m so looking forward to this trip. I’m also going to see my dad. Going to spend an afternoon with him and go to dinner. We have tickets to see a couple of shows in NYC as well.

Oh well, I better get ready for work. Ahhh…Monday.