Itsy bitsy?!
This critter was crawling along by the pool the other day. Most of the tarantulas we see around us are black. This one is brown. Hope it’s not poisonous.Â
So I was just about to hit the shut down on my computer last night when I noticed that my blog archive has July on it twice. I’ve almost been blogging for a year!
Am I a prolific blogger? Hardly. Quantity doesn’t matter to me. I set a goal to blog (with some regularity) in order to hone my writing skills–and I’ve been doing it for about 50 weeks. Give or take a week.Â
There’s kind of an itch to redesign the overall look and feel of my blog. I’m trying to stop myself. If I had the talent that Brian has to create cool banners every other day for my blog, I might do just that…but I don’t. Speaking of my blog’s look and feel, does anyone know what the banner pic is and what it represents? Just curious.
Last night it was official; I saw it. I really saw it. I think I know that I saw some pectoral action going on with the upper bod. It’s finally happening!
I started working out with a trainer last December. I bought two 12 session packages at our local gym. Those sessions were helpful but I didn’t go with regularity and they had me on more of a toning plan. After wrapping up with the trainer in late April, I decided to workout at home Every Single Day and push myself as hard a I could. Last night after a killer upper body workout, I totally saw some shape. Some form. It’s working.Â
OK, here it is. The truth about fitness (as told by some know-it-all asshole who’s only been working out for a few months).
- Visualize, visualize, visualize. Don’t think about the person you are going to become–be that person in your head and realize it through the exercise.
- Burn baby burn. lift the weight until your muscle is on fire (if you want to get bigger).Â
- Mix it up. Don’t develop a routine and do the same old exercises every time. Do different exercises for the same muscle group as much as possible. You’ll be glad you did.
- Eat, sleep and drink water–’nuff said.
- Do it every day. That’s right. It’s so much eaiser if it becomes a part of your daily routine, part of your life. It was much harder for me to do it two to three times a week.Â
Change your head. If your brain is saying “Oh man…I have to work out…sigh…OK, let’s get going…” you may as well give up now. Motivation happens from the inside out. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not always doing the happy dance when it’s time to break a sweat and grit my teeth but I do force my brain to be positive about it. Ray told me this many times and it finally sank in:
If you force yourself to workout, you’ll never finish and regret it. You’ll never say “I wish I didn’t do that.”
Ray and I come home every night and go in to our home office to check emails and see who’s online. For about an hour every evening, we sit in the same room with all the weight equipment. When we start our computers, it takes a few minutes to boot up so we do a set. Open our web browsers, log into emails, chat sites and messenger, do another set. Reply to an email, do another set. This works for us (it really works for me ’cause I like to watch my man flex). I actually look forward to my evening workout. As things start to firm up and get bigger, I really, really look forward to my workouts.Â
I’m not going to sugar coat it; working out and making physical change to your body is the hardest thing in the world to do. There were many times where I looked in the mirror and wondered why I was doing this because I didn’t see anything.  This time around, instead of getting discouraged, I pushed the old flabby image of myself out and replaced it with the new and improved image and held on to it as tight as I could. I’m not giving up this time.Â
There are three major immediate benefits that come with a good exercise program. Â
- I’m focused.
- I’m happy.
- I sleep like a rock. Haven’t been able to do that for years.Â